The Happiness Killer: How Overthinking Holds You Back

Overthinking Kills Your Happiness

Overthinking kills your happiness and you know Overthinking is a common habit that you could engage in. It involves constantly analyzing and dwelling on past events or worrying about the future, often to the point of creating a negative cycle of thoughts.

It’s normal to think about past experiences or make plans for the future. But, If overthinking become a habit it can harm your mental health and happiness.

In this post, I’ll walk you through how overthinking kills your happiness and what you can do to stop yourself from this cycle?.

What Causes Overthinking?

Overthinking can have many causes, and it can vary from person to person. However, some common factors that may contribute to overthinking are.


People with anxiety tend to worry excessively about the future, and this can lead to overthinking.


People who are perfectionists tend to obsess over details and may worry excessively about making mistakes.

overthinking kills your happiness

Trauma or past experiences:

People who have experienced traumatic events or difficult life experiences may have a tendency to overthink as a way of coping with past trauma.

Lack of confidence:

People who lack self-confidence may doubt their decisions and worry extremely about the consequences of their actions.


Living in a fast-paced, information-rich world with constant distractions can also contribute to overthinking as the mind tries to process all the information.


Rumination is a habit of repeatedly thinking about negative experiences, which can lead to overthinking and can even lead to depression.

It’s important to recognize the causes of overthinking, as this can help individuals develop strategies to manage it.

Side Effects Of Overthinking:

Overthinking kills your happiness but Before moving to the solutions first you have to understand the side effects of overthinking. It will give you better clarity to stay away from overthinking problems.

Overthinking Creates Negative Thoughts

Overthinking can lead to negative thoughts and emotions. When you dwell on past events or worry about the future, your mind tends to focus on the negative aspects of the situation, rather than the positive.

This can lead to feelings of anxiety, stress, and even depression, which can impact your overall well-being and happiness.

Overthinking Prevents You From Living In the Present

Overthinking can prevent you from fully enjoying the present moment. When you’re constantly dwelling on past events or worrying about the future, you’re not fully engaged in the present moment.

This can prevent you from experiencing joy and happiness in the present and can lead to a sense of dissatisfaction with your life.

Overthinking Creates a Cycle Of Confusion

When you overthink, you can become confused, which can lead to more overthinking. You may find yourself analyzing every possible outcome and scenario, which can be exhausting and unproductive.

This cycle of confusion can prevent you from taking action and moving forward, which can lead to feelings of frustration and unhappiness.

Overthinking can lead to physical symptoms

Overthinking can also have physical symptoms, such as headaches, fatigue, and muscle tension. When you’re constantly analyzing and worrying, your body can become tense, leading to physical discomfort and pain.

These physical symptoms can further impact your mood and overall well-being.

Overthinking can harm your relationships

Overthinking can harm your relationships with others. When you’re constantly analyzing and worrying about your interactions with others,

it can lead to misinterpretations and misunderstandings. This can create a cycle of negativity in your relationships and prevent you from building strong, healthy connections with others.

After knowing all these side effects, You must have understood to avoid it at any cost. So, what can you do to stop the cycle of overthinking and find happiness in the present moment?

Positive Effects Of Overthinking:

While overthinking is generally viewed as a negative behavior, there are some potential positive effects,


Overthinking can lead to a more thorough analysis of a situation, which can help identify potential problems and generate creative solutions.

Improved decision-making:

Overthinking can help people consider all possible outcomes and weigh the pros and cons of a decision, which can lead to better decision-making in the long run.

Enhanced self-awareness:

Overthinking can help people become more aware of their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, which can lead to greater self-understanding and personal growth.

However, it is important to note that the positive effects of overthinking are limited and can easily be outweighed by the negative consequences, such as stress, anxiety, and indecisiveness. It is important to find a balance between thinking things through and avoiding excessive rumination.

How to Stop Overthinking?

Below are some simple ways which can help you to stop overthinking.

Practice mindfulness

Mindfulness is a practice that involves being fully present at the moment, without judgment or distraction.

By focusing on the present moment and letting go of past and future worries, you can reduce the negative impact of overthinking and find happiness in the present.

Challenge negative thoughts

When you find yourself engaging in negative thoughts, challenge them. Ask yourself if they’re based on fact or if they’re just assumptions or fears.

This can help you identify irrational thoughts and replace them with more positive and realistic ones.

How to Stop Overthinking

Take action

When you’re stuck in a cycle of indecision, taking action can help break the cycle. Even small steps can help you feel more in control and confident in your decisions.

Practice self-care

Taking care of yourself is essential for your mental and physical well-being. Engage in activities that make you happy and relaxed, such as exercise, meditation, or spending time with loved ones.

Seek support

If you’re struggling with overthinking and its negative impact on your happiness, ask for support. This can be from a trusted friend, family member, or mental health professional.

They can provide you with the tools and resources you need to break free from the cycle of overthinking and find happiness in the present moment.

In conclusion, overthinking can be a harmful habit that impacts your mental and physical health and your relationships with others.

By practicing mindfulness, challenging negative thoughts, taking action, practicing self-care, and seeking support, you can break free from

Are You Thinking too much?

Thinking too much, or overthinking, can lead to negative consequences such as increased stress, anxiety, and indecisiveness.

When you overthink, you may become stuck in a loop of thoughts that prevent you from taking action or making a decision. This can lead to procrastination and missed opportunities.

If you find that you are thinking too much, there are several ways that you can try to help manage this behavior:

Set limits on your thinking:

Try setting aside a specific amount of time each day to think about a particular issue, and then move on to something else. This can help prevent you from becoming stuck in a loop of thoughts.

Challenge your thoughts:

When you find yourself ruminating on a negative thought or worry, try to challenge it with evidence. Ask yourself if there is any evidence to support the thought, or if it is just a product of your imagination.

Engage in activities that bring you joy:

Doing things you enjoy can help take your mind off your worries and reduce the amount of time you spend overthinking.

Seek support:

Speaking with a trusted friend or mental health professional can help you gain perspective and develop coping strategies to manage your overthinking.

Remember that it is important to find a balance between thinking things through and avoiding excessive rumination.

Overthinking Examples:

Here are a few overthinking examples in daily life.

You are trying to make a decision about which job offer to accept. You spend hours researching the pros and cons of each job, considering all possible outcomes, and worrying about making the wrong choice.

Receive an email from your boss with feedback on a project. You spend the entire day ruminating on the feedback, trying to anticipate what your boss might say in the next meeting, and worrying about how the feedback will impact your performance review.

Going to a social event and spend hours getting ready, trying on different outfits, and worrying about how you will be perceived by others. You arrive at the event feeling self-conscious and unable to relax and enjoy yourself.

You are in a relationship and spend a lot of time overanalyzing your partner’s words and actions, worrying about whether they are truly happy with you, and imagining worst-case scenarios.

These are just a few examples of how overthinking can manifest in daily life.

Overthinking can be a difficult habit to break, but by practicing the right ways as told in this post, it is possible to manage overthinking and improve your mental well-being.

Is Overthinking Bad?

Overthinking kills your happiness but Overthinking can also be both good and bad, depending on the situation and the individual’s perspective.

In some cases, overthinking can be helpful, such as when making an important decision, problem-solving, or planning.

However, if overthinking becomes a regular pattern of thought that leads to excessive worry, self-doubt, and indecisiveness, then it can be harmful and negatively affect one’s mental health.

Overthinking can lead to anxiety, stress, and even depression, which can interfere with an individual’s daily life, relationships, and overall well-being.

It can also lead to physical symptoms such as headaches, muscle tension, and insomnia.

If an individual is experiencing negative effects due to overthinking, it’s important to recognize the behavior and try to find ways to manage it, such as practicing mindfulness, relaxation techniques, talking to a therapist, or engaging in physical activity.

By managing overthinking, individuals can improve their mental health and overall quality of life.

Is Overthinking Good?

Overthinking kills your happiness while overthinking can sometimes be helpful in certain situations, such as when it leads to problem-solving or improved decision-making.

It is generally not considered a good thing. Overthinking can lead to negative consequences such as increased stress, anxiety, and indecisiveness.

When people overthink, they may become stuck in a loop of thoughts that prevent them from taking action or making a decision.

This can lead to procrastination and missed opportunities. Additionally, overthinking can cause people to focus too much on the negative aspects of a situation and ignore the positive, leading to increased worry and distress.

It is important to find a balance between thinking things through and avoiding excessive rumination.

People can benefit from taking a break from their thoughts, practicing mindfulness, and seeking help from a mental health professional if overthinking is interfering with their daily life.

Overthinking Kills Your Happiness:

It is true that overthinking kills your happiness and has a negative impact on your’s happiness. When people overthink, they may become stuck in a loop of thoughts that prevent them from enjoying the present moment and focusing on the positive aspects of their life.

Overthinking can lead to increased stress, anxiety, and indecisiveness, which can in turn contribute to feelings of unhappiness and dissatisfaction.

However, it is important to note that everyone experiences overthinking to some degree, and occasional bouts of overthinking do not necessarily mean that someone is doomed to be unhappy.

With practice and effort, it is possible to develop strategies to manage to overthink and cultivate a more positive mindset.

By following the above-mentioned ways-

  • practicing mindfulness,
  • setting limits on your thinking,
  • challenging your thoughts,
  • engaging in activities that bring you joy, and
  • seeking support when needed,

you can reduce the negative impact of overthinking on your happiness and well-being.

Remember that happiness is a journey, and taking small steps to manage your overthinking can help you move towards a more fulfilling and contented life.

10 Easy Ways To Overcome Laziness Instantly In Next 24 Hour

how to overcome laziness

Laziness Simply means an unwillingness to be productive and How many countless times have you thought about How to overcome laziness?

Laziness is a common problem that you face. It can be hard to get out of bed in the morning, and it can be even harder to keep going and be active & productive.

When you are lazy, you may face a series of challenges.

  • Stressful
  • Unproductive
  • Unable to complete tasks timely
  • Avoid meeting people etc

Haven’t you noticed many times when you are lazy it becomes difficult to get started even on the important things that you want to do?

Sometimes You also have a day where you just don’t have the motivation to even move at all.

Main Causes Of Laziness:

How to overcome laziness

Before knowing those ways, First of all you should know the cause of laziness which will help you much better.

There could be many different causes for laziness, but the main causes of laziness are as follows:

The Main Causes Of Laziness:

  • Long To-Do List
  • Not enough sleep
  • Eating too much sugar
  • Being too busy
  • Watching too much TV Or using the Internet, Social Media
  • Not enough exercise
  • Too much stress
  • Not enough sunlight
  • Overthinking
  • Bad habits
  • Too many distractions

What should you do to overcome your laziness?

This blog will take a look at 10 different ways to overcome laziness. I will cover everything you need to get your motivation back on track. Whether you’re struggling with laziness due to a busy lifestyle or you just don’t have the energy to do anything.

Keep reading! These ways can help you to overcome laziness drastically and get motivated and start living the life you deserve.

10 Ways To Overcome Laziness:

There are many different ways to combat laziness and make yourself more productive. Keep reading to unlock 10 most effective ways to overcome laziness and get your life back on track.

Understand Laziness:

Laziness is a complex montster. It can be different for different reasons each time. First of all, Understanding laziness is an important first step to overcome it.

Sometimes laziness may be due to a lack of willpower or a lack of ambition. You are lazy because you don’t feel like you have the energy to do anything.

Sometimes, laziness may be a way of coping with stress or anxiety and In such scenarios, It may be a way of escaping reality.

Whatever the case may be, laziness is a serious problem and should be dealt with carefully. If you’re just lazy without any reason or confused, overwhelming. The best thing is to ask yourself questions like-

  • What is making me lazy?
  • What should I do at this moment?

After asking such questions! give honest aswer to yourself and please don’t tell lie. you will surely get some good suggestions. Now you only need to work around it.

This could be the first step, find the reason for your laziness and things’ll become much easier moving forward.

Identify the Root of Laziness:

The root of laziness is often a lack of motivation. It can be caused by factors such as feeling overwhelmed, not having enough time, or feeling unappreciated.

If you can identify the root of laziness, you can easily find ways to overcome it. Here are Some simple and effective ways to do start with:-

Set Small Goals:

Once you’ve identified the root of laziness, your next step is to set smaller goals. Big goals are always hurdle in taking action. By breaking up the larger goal into smaller, more manageable goals, you’ll be more likely to succeed.

Set a Deadline:

Having a deadline will help you stay focused and motivated.

Take a Break:

Sometimes all you need is a break. Take some time for yourself to relax, be energetic, and de-stress. It’s important to give your brain a break so it can come back with new ideas.

Get Organized.

At the stage of feeling overwhelmed, it’s easy to let things burden up.

Get organized and set some clear goals for yourself. Don’t overthink or try to get perfection. At least first get started, Even a tiny change can help you drastically and you can make changes anytime later by your choices.

Write Down Your Thoughts:

When you are tuning with massive number of thoughts, it’s easy to forget what you’re supposed to do. Write down your thoughts, get clear and take some time.

Exercise Is The Key To Good Health:

Exercise is the key to good health. The Exercise can help you feel more energized and motivated. Exercise doesn’t need to be harder which can again push you towards the laziness pool.

It needs to be simple. Initially, Even 5 mins walk can work best.

Set A Goal For Yourself:

There are times when all you need is only a goal to focus on. Set a goal for yourself which can motivates you to move forward and see how far you can push yourself.

Meeting People:

Meeting people can help you to discuss ideas, learn new skills and strategies.

Don’t Be Alone- Connect With Family/Friends:

All the negative things started haunting you when you are alone all the time. Being alone can be the top reason for laziness. Connecting with family or friends provides a lot of emotional and mental support.

Build a Work Routine:

There’s no denying laziness is a serious problem. You have days when you feel like you couldn’t do anything Even coming out of bed seems impossible. But if you want to overcome laziness and be active, you have to build a work routine.

There are a few simple things you can do to get started.

How Laziness Can Be Overcome:

First, set a small goal, This could be anything from completing one more task on your to-do list Or meeting with some clients.

Once you’ve set your goal, make a plan to accomplish it.

Second, Set a time each day when you’ll work. This time should be specific and shouldn’t overlap with other activities.

Finally, stick to your routine. If you find yourself struggling to get started, take a quick break and come back to your work later.

Set Clear Goals:

If you’re like most people, you probably don’t like to set goals. It feels like a lot of work, and you’d rather just take things as they come. But that’s not how success works. You have to set goals and then push yourself to work hard to achieve them.

If you don’t have goals, then you can’t track your progress and you won’t be motivated to keep going.

Setting goals is also important because it will give you a clear picture of something to work for.

Your goals can be as simple as making more money, losing weight, or becoming a better person. But make sure the goal is something that you’re willing to work for.

If the goal is not connected to yourself, you’ll soon lose interest. But if the goal is something you really want, then you’ll be motivated & give your best to achieve it.

Read Books:

It’s been said that if you want to achieve something, the first step is to put in the hard work. And the same goes for overcoming laziness too

There’s no shame in admitting that laziness has hold of you at times. It’s tough to get out of bed early in the morning and face the day, but if you want to be successful, you have to be willing to put in the work.

You can find a mentor, read self-help books, or attend workshops. Learning from others who has overcome laziness and can share their story, and experience with you, that will be a big help.

Books Or Mentors can be great resources because they can offer you guidance, support, and insight. They can also point you in the right direction.

Take Action:

You are easily trapped by laziness but extricating yourself from it becomes hard. Laziness can be overcome but it takes a lot of hard work, dedication, and determination., And it’s not something that will happen overnight.

The first step you have to take is to stop thinking and take action. Here are simple ways which can help you to take action to overcome laziness:

  • Set small goals that you can achieve
  • Break your goals into smaller, more manageable pieces
  • Set a timer for a certain amount of time and work until the timer goes off
  • Take a walk
  • Play a sport
  • Read a book
  • Do something (Write goals, Find the reasons for laziness)
  • Talk to someone

Be Relentless:

Laziness is man’s worst enemy. However, if you want to be an active, productive, happy & successful person, then you have to be relentless.

Unfortunately! There is no shortcut, In order to be successful, you have to set goals and then work towards them. You won’t be able to do this if you don’t have a clear idea of what you want.

Once you have a clear goal, Now moving forward you only have to find ways to achieve it. It simply means, may have to work hard, work long hours, or even sacrifice some things.

If you’re willing to put in the hard work, then you’ll be successful. Start by setting goals and then work towards them. You won’t regret it.

Be Positive:

Motivation is key and It’s easy to get bogged down by negativity, but that’s not going to help you achieve your goals.

Find things to be grateful for. Take some time each day to reflect on your blessings and what you’re grateful for. This will help you stay in the present and not dwell on the past or worry about the future.

Stay Focused:

Staying focused plays an important role to overcome laziness. It’s easy to get down when you don’t see results quickly and feel like you can’t do it. But remember, this is just a trial. A trial that you can overcome with a little bit of effort.

Yes! Sometimes it is hard to get focused for having many distractions. It’s great old saying- there is always a solution for every problem.

Below are some simple ways which can help you to increase focus & be consistent.

Write Your Objectives:

This can be anything from losing weight to becoming a better person. Putting your goals out there will help you stay focused and motivated.

Set Small Goals:

When you start to feel overwhelmed by your larger goal, break it down into more manageable chunks. This will help you stay on track and not give up.

Take a break. Sometimes the best way to get back on track is to take a break. This doesn’t mean you have to put your goals on hold. It means you take a step back and evaluate what you’re trying to do. Take some time to relax and rejuvenate.

Remember that failure is part of the process. Nothing is ever achieved without a little bit of risk. So be willing to take some risks and push yourself.

Other Ways To Overcome Laziness:

  • Exercise.
  • Set time limits.
  • Get organized.
  • Take breaks.
  • Develop positive attitude.
  • Be patient.
  • Set realistic expectations.
  • Avoid Long To-Do lists
  • Build Good Habits

Conclusion: How to overcome laziness

These were some of the ways to overcome laziness. It may sound simple but it takes effort, and willingness to take important steps and move forward. But with a little perseverance and motivation, you can succeed.

I hope you enjoyed this blog post How to overcome laziness. Laziness can be a huge obstacle to your success, but it is not impossible to overcome.

The tips shared in this post will help you become more active and motivated. We know that it will take some effort, but with a little bit of effort, you can overcome laziness and achieve your goals.

Thanks for reading, and we can’t wait to see the progress you make!

How To Stop Feeling Lazy:

Sometimes you may find yourself feeling lazy and unmotivated, but it’s important to remember that this is just a temporary state of mind., There are many ways to stop feeling lazy and unmotivated, One way is to set a reminder on your phone.

How To Stop Feeling Lazy

For example, you could say that you will go for a walk every day and set a timer on your phone to remind you.

Another way to stop feeling lazy is to keep a journal about how you feel,
what you’re grateful for, and any positive activities you’ve done that day.

It’s also important to break your day up into smaller sections such as waking up, showering, eating breakfast, and going to work.
By doing this you will be more conscious of what you are doing and how much time you have left in the day.

The most effective way to stop feeling lazy is to get enough sleep at night. If you don’t sleep well, you will feel more tired throughout the day.
Lastly, try and find something that you enjoy doing so that you don’t have time to feel lazy and stop doing it.

How Laziness Can Be Overcome:

There is a saying that “laziness is the mother of all creativity.” This saying is true because when you are lazy, you are not motivated to do anything. You might be thinking “I don’t want to do anything, so why should I do anything?”

It’s easy to feel lazy and not want to do anything because you don’t feel like it. It’s important to learn how to overcome laziness in order to live a happier life. One way to overcome laziness is by learning how to prioritize.

If you are able to identify what is most important and what is least important, then it will be easier for you to decide what you want to do. If you have trouble deciding what is most important, try breaking it down into smaller tasks that can be completed in a shorter amount of time.

There is no shortcut you have to take the action. without taking action nothing is going to be changed. Start taking action for doing something. If you want to read a book, at least start reading no matter even 5 or 1 page.

When you want to work out, start working out. Do you want to be productive, start being productive. Whatever you want to do just start it without overthinking. This is the only way.

How To Avoid Laziness While Studying:

As a student, I know that it is easy to fall into the trap of laziness. There are many ways to overcome this, but here are some of my favorite ways to get motivated.

  • Set a goal for yourself and make a plan of what you need to do to reach that goal.
  • Reward yourself when you reach a milestone in your plan.
  • Take breaks throughout your day when you need them, but don’t forget to complete the lesson
  • Take a walk outside to clear your mind and enjoy the weather.
  • Start small. If you want to be more productive, start with just 5 minutes of work in the morning and 5 minutes at night.
  • Make a list of all the tasks that you have done in the day and cross off each one as it is completed.
  • Make a list of all the things you want to accomplish in the day and cross off each one as it is completed.
  • Start your day with a quick workout or an exercise routine before tackling anything else.

How To Overcome Laziness Instantly:

One of the most difficult challenges that you face is not being able to overcome laziness. This can be challenging because you might be trying to accomplish something that you know you should do, but you just don’t want to do it.

A simple trick to help you get motivated and actually do something is to make a list of all the things you need to do that day. This will help you get started and keep track of what you have done.

How to stop being lazy and depressed

It’s easy to become lazy and depressed because you are constantly bombarded with negative thoughts.

Lazy and depressed can be two different things. For example, if you are lazy, you may not be able to get out of bed in the morning. This is because you have a lack of motivation.

It’s easy to be lazy when there is always so much to do.

However, if you are depressed, you may not be able to get out of bed because your body is under so much stress that it is hard to do anything. Depression can be caused by many different factors like being a teenager, being bullied, or dealing with overthinking stress.

It’s also easy to become depressed when you don’t feel like you are adding any value and struggling with your own personal insecurities.

One way to stop being lazy and depressed is to start taking small steps toward your goal. You don’t need to do everything at once, just make a list of small steps you can take today. If you start small, then it will be easier to keep going, and eventually, you’ll accomplish your goal.

It’s also important that you make sure that you get enough sleep every night. If you don’t get enough sleep, it can lead to feeling more tired and less motivated throughout the day.

Best Way To Overcome Laziness:

Being lazy can be a problem. It’s easy to think that your laziness is just a phase and that you will eventually get over it, but this doesn’t happen.

Best Way To Overcome Laziness:

One of the most difficult things about being lazy is the feeling that there is nothing you can do to change your mind.

There are some ways that you can help yourself overcome laziness. One way is to set up a reward system for yourself and make sure that each reward is something that you really enjoy.

Another way is to set a timer for five minutes and start working right away. If you feel overwhelmed, set a timer for ten minutes and work on just one thing.

How To Avoid Laziness:

These were the simple yet most effective ways how to avoid laziness. I hope you enjoyed this blog post about overcoming laziness. Laziness can be a huge obstacle to success, but it is not impossible to overcome.

The tips shared in this post will help you become more active and motivated. I know that it will take some effort, but with a little bit of effort, you can overcome laziness and achieve your goals. Thanks for reading, and we can’t wait to see the progress you make!

I’m here to tell you that no matter how difficult it might be, there are also ways you can turn this around and overcome laziness.

Even the laziest person can overcome their laziness with some determination. You really don’t need a lot of motivation to complete a task, but you need to be motivated enough that you are willing to work for it.

I know that sometimes it’s easy to get into a slump where you just don’t feel motivated to do anything.

Thanks once again for reading the post how to overcome laziness. These tips will help you to overcome laziness and I hope that you enjoyed reading them.

If you are looking for more ideas and inspiration, please subscribe to the blog to get new inspirational, motivational stuff directly into your inbox.

Feel free to comment below If you have any further questions or comments. Let me know how I can help you! Thank you for reading,

I am excited about the questions or comments you have. Do you feel lazy? what steps do you take when laziness hits you?

Please share with us in the comments below.

8 Simple Steps To Change Your Life In 45 Days From Today

45 days from today

Do you know you can improve your life in 45 days from today ? Isn’t that exciting, Yes! definitely! and what is more interesting? You will be amazed to know, It is quite possible and also easy to follow.

45 Days From Today:

Let’s unlock those wonderful ways to change your life in 45 days from today.

Life keeps on moving forward without waiting for you. Usually, You keep missing many important things while speeding up for this race called life.

How many times you have decided to change yourself for the better? Haven’t you notice that you have broken the promise many times to follow your goals?

Why does it happen? You have decided to do something good and also make the promise for it but still you keep breaking it like a glass.

Today! In this post you will be going to know the real reason and what else? You‘ll unlock the golden ways to make progress within 45 days from today or even before.

It’s too exciting to know where you can make a change only in just 45 days from today. Yes! It is awesome. Stay tuned to the post and read till last to understand.

45 Days From Now:

You are going to unlock simple and wonderful ways which can improve your life in 45 days from now when follow it correctly.

The good news is these steps are literally simple and you can follow it anytime even from today. Everyday Is The Beginning After The End,

Let’s move forward to the post and unlock it.

1. Why are you lost and distracted ?

Before doing anything! First and foremost you highly need to know the real reason, why do you become quite lost, confused or distracted ?

Does it seem difficult to find out the reason? Obviously not! In fact, It is the most important thing which you can’t ignore.

How can you make progress without knowing the clear reason to tackle?

Ask yourself,

  • Why am I not taking actions?
  • Why am I getting stuck?
  • Who’s stopping me?

The more questions you would ask yourself, The more in-depth you would be going to reach. It will give you clarity where you can successfully find the real reason.

Then! Here comes the next step to take action accordingly. Don’t skip this step as It is the most crucial & foundation step for progress.

Life Can Only Be Understood Backwards

2. Save Your Time:

Time is the most valuable & powerful asset. Either you can make it or break it. No doubt! Time reacts in a similar manner.

45 days from today

If you try to make the time productive & useful, Time will also return you the favor by rewards and gifts.

On the other hand, when you are not concern about your time and throwing it here and there. Time will also not going to like you and won’t be going to give you any treat.

In today’s internet age! It has become a common habit of yours to easily get distracted. How much time you are spending on social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube) or anywhere else watching movies, web-series.

Does spending time on social media or watching entertaining videos is helping you to achieve your goals? If not, then why are you keenly get active over there?

Here! I am giving you the most simple solution to save your time. It will definitely help you to save your valuable time.

You may have read articles or watched the videos to improve your time management in the past. Those tips seem too difficult or boring to implement and nothing has worked. Right?

Here! is the most simple and easiest way which you can follow anytime. In fact, today will be a great start.

Yes! It is easy but you have to make a tiny effort, Take a pen & paper. Write the things which you need to do tomorrow.

Don’t write a long list OR each and everything. It will make you frustrated & bored. Only write few things which are important and you need to do for tomorrow.

Make a To-Do list in advance at the night for the next day.

Here! I repeat once more, The list needs to be simple and must have only a few things 4-5 or maybe 6 which are important & possible to do in reality.

This won’t be the timetable which school students generally made. Like-

  • 8 AM- Bath,
  • 4 PM- Play
  • 8 PM- Dinner etc.

In fact, The time-bound timetable does not help much and makes you stuck & sometimes creates extra pressure which can make you frustrated.

The key is to make things simple & easy which ‘ll help you to do the things easily without any extra stress.

3. Protect Yourself:

You want to achieve many good things in life for which you are also ready to give your 100% efforts.

Okay! tell me, Do you know where the picture arrive first whatever you want to achieve?

It’s in your mind, Thoughts are the things. First, the picture gets created in your mind as thoughts. Once you like it, You grab the idea and it motivates you to go for it.

You take action but at the same time, what’s more important?

You need to protect yourself from the negative things all around, It can be your own negative thoughts or maybe the negative comment of your friends or negative opinion was given by someone.

45 days from today

Negativity is all dangerous, You need to protect yourself from the negativity. Negativity is all dream killer.

Most of the people don’t take any action for the goals which they want to achieve only for 2 reason.

  1. Either they are scared
  2. They think what if they get failed?

Both are negative thinking which does not let them take any action for their goals. Well, success and failures come later.

You only need to focus on the process. The focus should be on the small steps which you can do on regular basis. When steps are all right, It will definitely make you close towards the goals.

What would happen during the process? Either you get successful or you will get failed and going to learn. Both are fair deal. If you get failed, there is a high chance to learn from your mistakes and try again for the better.

When you don’t take any action there is not even a tiny chance to improve and you will never going to unlock opportunities.

That’s why! It is most important to protect yourself from all kinds of negativity. Here is the important TIP- Outside negativity doesn’t affect much as your own negative thoughts hit you. Believe in yourself and be positive.

When you have ponder the positivity to your thoughts, Negativity comes from outside won’t be going to bother you much.

4. Build Good Habits:

The actions which you take on a regular basis finally creates the result. What does it mean? Obviously! You are the result of your habits.

Now! This is no brainer for good results you need to adopt good habits and similarly bad habits push you towards the bad result.

But, I guess you don’t want bad results, In fact! No one wants. But, still you have to see some bad outcomes. Why? This is because of your habits

When you are engaged in bad habits, How can you see the good result? Get engage yourself towards good habits, It will definitely makes you peaceful, happy, focus and goal oriented.

Isn’t it simple good habits start attracting good results? Obviously! It is awesome and great deal which you don’t need to ignore for your own progress & development.

This is truly a cheap price where you can get massive return. Are you wondering, I don’t have any bad habits then why am I not getting good result? Well, It’s surprise to know! there are many bad habits which doesn’t seem bad at all.

Here are few examples of those bad habits- Watching videos over internet for couple of hours or Stay active on internet, social media for N number of hours without any reason. Are you planning your day? Not managing your time properly is also a similar habit.

Good habits seem hard in initial days, later on it becomes easy and after sometime you start enjoying these habits.

Here are the example of some good habits:

Wake Up Early:

To wake up early in the morning is definitely one of the best habit. There are many benefits of waking up early in the morning.

  • It makes you focused,
  • You get some extra time where you can work a little more for your goals.
  • It is also good for health and so on.


You already know very well. Doing exercise is good for your health. Still, you ignore it. Good health is the most important. When you are healthy only then you can be happy & connected.

Exercise helps you in different ways:

  • It burns your extra calories, r
  • Release stress,
  • Gives you happy signals,
  • Helps you to become active and fit.

Develop a habit of doing exercise at early in the morning on regular basis and see the difference by yourself.

Reading Books:

Reading books is also one of the most productive and effective habit. There is one most common habit among all the successful people i.e “Reading Books

It is also been said that- “Readers are leaders” When you read a good book, You are not only reading a book 200-250 pages rather you are reading years of experiences from the author.  

The author ponders years of experience & intellectual in those pages. What if you can read 1,2 books a month. It will 20-25 books a year.

What after 2, 3 years? Don’t you see how much potential knowledge, Intellectual and experience you will be going to get in such a short term?

Books directly get connected to your mind, when you read many positive things from the book. Definitely! it makes your mind positive & confident which also results in positive actions..

Similarly! When you got to engage in negative things, Like- watching negative kinds of news, Negative gossips etc it will throw your mind towards negativity which won’t help you in any way other than bad.

Garbage in garbage out

So which is good habit negative or positive? Of course! Positive is only the way to go.

Books help you to be positive & connected. There is only one catch while choosing the books. Don’t pick just any book for the sake of reading.

You need to be careful while choosing for the books otherwise it won’t going to help you much.

Don’t pick any books like comics, jokes, love stories, entertaining, I don’t mean these books are bad I only want to say, these books are only for the time pass and don’t provide you good information, feedback, positive mindset and other useful tips for your progress.

Read some self-help books.

5. Set Small Goals:

This one is interesting, You often get confused about whether to make big goals or small goals. Big goals are quite exciting and small goals don’t seem much interesting.

Also, there are different statement moving around from the success guru’s. They say go for big goals, some also say go for small goals.

I can understand all these different kind of information overwhelmed you and sometimes makes you irritated too.

Don’t worry! Today I am going to clear all your confusion.

The goals always need to be as big as your dream. There is not any limit to set your dream. Don’t limit yourself while seeing the dream.

Take a pen and paper and write dreams on it whatever you wish for. Once the dream is decided you can set small goals in between the way which can take to go towards the big dream.

Still, confused? Okay! Let me give you a simple example that will help you to understand better. Let say, I want to read a book which contains 250 pages.

Can I read 250 pages in one go? Obviously not, So! I have made the goal to read 50 pages each day. So, It will help me to get finished the book in the next 5 days.

50 pages are fine to me. If not 50 then 30 or maybe 20, It’s fine. 20 pages would still help me to finish the book in the next 12 days.

Something is better than nothing. What most of the time happens when setting a big goal? You didn’t focus on small goals which come along the way in between reaching the big goal.

So, That big goal seems too difficult and makes you scared, and later results in quit taking action for the goal, and move back towards the comfort zone.

Achieve big goals become quite easy and exciting when you break in between small goals. Don’t you see at the above example how easy it is only to read 20 pages a day which can still help me to complete the book?

6. Follow Discipline:

There can be many good habits which you can follow for the progress & development. But, there is only one habit that comes at the top of all. that is “Discipline”

Discipline helps you to stay on the track and take continuous efforts. You always try to get motivation from others in the form of videos, news or articles.

You need to understand, Motivation is only a temporary factor that can’t last long even after a few hours or sometimes even a couple of minutes later it will get wiped out from your mind.

How many times does it happen when you watch a video, you got a lot of motivation from the video and became energetic after watching it, what has happened after that?

Does it give you any benefit? Probably not! Because motivation is only for short period. How can you become motivated by other stories? On The Road To Success There Are No Shortcuts

The real motivation comes from inside within yourself. Don’t look for external motivation. Get motivation from your heart.

Set your goals and learn how to develop self discipline to reach your goals. You will see how motivation will start blowing at your mind and then you won’t require any external kind of motivation.

7. Control Your Mind:

You are driving the car at 100 Km/hour and when you don’t control the car what would happen? Similarly, you need to control your mind too.

The mind has the habit to fly here and there. It does not the difference between long-term goals and happiness.

It only keeps looking for something fun only at the present, Let say! You are working for something important and your mind demand for something fun i.e watch any movies or songs etc.

What can you do now? You can simply ignore it and get focus on the work which can help you to complete the work on time. Because that is much important.

What would happen if you do not control your mind and approve the request? Your work gets pending where you have another work too.

It will become overburden and start creating stress, You won’t find peace and it will wiped your happiness and makes you frustrated so on and so forth.

It’s better to control your mind for the progress and to save yourself from all these bad experiences.

8. Reward Yourself:

Here comes the most exciting part to get rewards. You like to have rewards? Obviously! Who doesn’t?

Your mind is like your friend, you need to care, appreciate and love it. Mind is much fond of rewards & gifts rather than working hard for your goals.

To be honest, Mind doesn’t care whether you are working hard for your goals to get long-term happiness and success. All it wants to get something fun at the present and not later.

You need to control your mind. What you can do is once you successfully complete the small goals. Reward yourself for the fun.

You can take break for the rest or you can do any fun activity.

You would become your mind best friend if you take care of it and pass rewards and gifts instead of overburden yourself with the load of work.

Keep giving balance and proper rewards to your mind. So! It can help you more for the work to make progress.

45 Days Ago From Today:

You have seen your life 45 days ago from today. Do you see any progress or improvement during that time?

Don’t worry! You can follow these simple ways and you will be going to see a lot of good change within 45 days from now or even before 45 days. You will definitely start seeing good results from 1st week itself. It won’t be the same as 45 days ago from today.

45 Days From Today

You have seen the life 45 days before today, Now! you are going to see the next 45 days from today. Do you want to make the next 45 days from today better than 45 days before today?

Are you ready to take the responsibility to make the change for good that can improve your life in 45 days from today? So! It won’t remain the same as 45 days ago from today.

In fact, 45 days from now is a pretty fair deal. Isn’t it awesome where you can improve life in just 45 days from today?

What To Read Next?

How To Find Your Passion When You Are Depressed

How Many Seconds In a Day

My Goals Are Beyond Your Understanding

How To Stop Being Lazy

No Motivation To Do Anything

On The Road To Success There Are No Shortcuts

on the road to success there are no shortcuts

Are you looking for a shortcut to achieve success? On the road to success there are no shortcuts.

I hope you are doing good with your life. But, ask yourself don’t you want to be more successful and fulfill with life?

Are you looking for the blueprint of success? Don’t worry! You will be going to learn in this post.

On The Road To Success There Are No Shortcuts

You don’t need to get scared about failure, Yes! there is one thing which you need to understand- on the road to success there are no shortcuts.

How to live a simple life

Okay! Tell me, Is there anyone who doesn’t want to be successful? The answer is simply no.  Everyone is looking for success.

on the road to success there are no shortcuts

Read more

11 Most Simple Ways To Learn Self Discipline In Life

how to develop self discipline

There could be many reasons for the success of a person’s life. But, there is one common thing which can be found among all the successful people which is other than discipline. They all are disciplined and mastered it in their life.

Are you disciplined in life? If not then it is one of the major reason you are not making any progress in life and also creating a lot of stress for yourself.

Today! I am going to reveal 11 most simple ways how to develop self discipline. You will also be going to learn, how to master self discipline in your life to see the magic.

Before proceeding further, I would like to share a few things with regard to discipline. Yes! that’s correct discipline is not at all easy to implement in life & requires lot of dedication and patience.

But, It is all truly worth and this is how you can go to make a difference from the rest of the people living in mediocrity. If you being honest implement discipline in life. You can make good progress in life and achieve big things.

Don’t you want to see all your dreams and goals become true? How about seeing a better life in the future?

It can become reality & easy when you start discipline in life. This is why it is important to learn how to develop self discipline.

How To Develop Self Discipline:

Everyone not born with this quality rather they develop in life only. So, you don’t need to worry much about it. If they have learned to develop discipline in life. You can too learn it. Are you ready to learn this art?

Here are 11 secrets how to develop self discipline

1) Accept Your Responsibilty:

You need to accept whatever is happening in your life it is solely because of you. If anyhow your life is not on the right track and something is missing or nothing is going right. It’s because of your past actions.

The actions or decision which you have taken in the past is giving back you the result. Are you feeling regret about something in the past?

You don’t need to feel regret as it’s not going to solve your present problems rather it would make circumstances more complicated. Stop now! If you are wasting your valuable time regretting the past.

You are missing the beautiful moments of the present and not looking at positive aspects.

You can’t change your past, The only thing which is in your total control is the present and You can make great out of it. When you make effort in the present not only it would give a better result in the present. It would also help to make your future beautiful.

Forget about the past, Learn from your mistakes, and move ahead whether you want it or not. This is the only way to make better progress.

Awesome future is waiting for you if you too are ready.

2) Find Out Why:

Do you want to know why some people are too disciplined and others are truly bad with it? This is because those people are focused and have clarity about their actions. They have a better idea about their goals and required actions to achieve it.

how to develop self discipline

They don’t feel laziness and even don’t need any kind of external motivation to get disciplined. Their goals made them disciplined. It is as simple.

Now! When you too want to be disciplined and looking for the way about it. First, you need to find your why?

Ask yourself, why do you want to disciplined?

  • Do you want to get good marks in the class?
  • Do you want to earn more money?
  • Are you willing to improve your health?
  • Do you want to get more free time to enjoy or spend with family?
  • Do you want to make progress in life?

When you ask yourself, you will get a better answer.

Now! keep this in your mind why do you want to discipline? It is because you want to achieve that particular goal? It would always inspire you to be disciplined without any external motivational resources.

3) Don’t Break The Chain:

There are times when you feel quite excited and motivated and start thinking, This time I am going to rock. I will implement good habits on daily basis.

  • Wake up early,
  • Exercise
  • Reading books etc

But nothing works or the momentum gets there only for a few days. After some days, you are back to the stage from where you have started.

Do you want to learn the most simple and effective way to build discipline in life?

Take paper and pen write about the things for which you wants to be disciplined. Let say! You want to read a book.

Start reading a book and don’t overburden yourself. If you are done with even only 2-3 page that’s perfectly fine to start with.

Once you have completed reading those 2-3 pages, Put a tick on the page. Don’t forget to do the same tomorrow. No matter, whether you read 2,3, or 5 pages. You only need to do it, Keep things simple.

On the 3rd day do the same. Keep doing this for 10,12,15 days. Now! You will see there are many ticks on the page.

Now! Your mind will start to accept this routine and It is no more burden to you. It will become fun to put a tick mark on a daily basis.

The ticks will keep growing and your mind won’t wish to break this. You need to be careful about it.

Don’t break the chain and keep going. This is how simple you can build a positive discipline about something.

4) Kick Out Disturbance:

It is easy to say rather being following it effectively, You always engaged yourself with any kind of activity which is of no need and takes your lot of time. You need to be aware of it and kick out all the disturbance which gives no value.

Let say! You have set a goal to study for 2 hours, Suddenly you see a notification on your mobile and start checking it and find a message from one of your friend who is saying- “Hi”

You haven’t stop yourself and replied back Hi, how are you doing? This is how the conversation has started and ended up after 30 mins. You have planned to study for 2 hours.

Now! 30 minutes is already gone and It is not about time only. Your energy would also get decreased and you do not feel focused anymore.

You won’t feel like doing your studies. That’s why It is more important to clear from every kind of distraction which can help you to be focused and energetic.

There is nothing wrong to talk with your friend as given example above. You can connect them anytime later in your free time. The most important is when you have set a goal, Let it complete first and be honest to yourself.

5) Stop Complaining:

Have you ever noticed? Complain has become a part of your life. You always try to complaining about everything i.e family, others, situations or even yourself.

How can you focused on good things when you only keep swimming in complaining pool?

Come out from it and look at the positive side. There is always a chance for improvement. If something wrong has happened try to look at another side what you can do to make improvements.

Trust me, You would find a way and realize how easy it was. Stop doing complains and take a responsibly to make improvements.

6) Understand The Reality:

You need to understand this reality. Do you think the people who are much successful and seems disciplined are always disciplined in their life?

No! It s not and it is truly hard to follow discipline without breaking it. There can be hardly a small group of such people.

But, there is a key! Those successful people who break the discipline. They come back to their discipline cycle very quickly instead of taking a lot of time.

How many times it has happened to you when you have tried to make a discipline about something? You start doing it for some days, weeks and somehow you have broken this cycle and later on, never came back to the cycle again.

This was the point where you got missed. Don’t be rude to yourself and put a burden. If you trying to follow the discipline and somehow get distracted you can come back later. There is nothing wrong to join that cycle again.

In fact, You need to get back quickly as soon as possible with your discipline without wasting your time and thinking lot about useless things.

7) Clarity Is The Key:

This is the quite simple to do but you never pay attentions towards it which becomes major obstacle when it comes to follow discipline.

Are you always clear about your daily activities? Probably not! That’s why It is recommended to give at least 10 minutes at night. If you want to make your next 24 hours of the day productive and better.

Isn’t it simple to invest only 10 minutes to make 24 hours fruitful? Now! you must be thinking What can you do is in those 10 minutes?

You can analyze your day. How was your day, look at the mistakes and if there is something wrong, look at the opportunities to improve.

Make a plan for the next day. Write down all the important activities which you want to do for tomorrow and Make a “To-Do list“. It would give you complete clarity for the next day. It will help you a lot to maintain discipline.

Do this everyday and don’t delay on this. Starts from today.

8) Power Of Practice:

You must have heard about this famous phrase: Practices make a person perfect. There is no doubt about it. At the start, everything seems quite difficult or strange.

Once you start doing it on a regular basis. It becomes truly easy. There is no doubt you would feel so challenging when you initially start to maintain discipline in the life.

You will also find yourself in a position where your heart will say. Stop doing this, why are you putting burden on yourself. Let’s have some fun.

Now, what can you do is, Think about the goals for which you have started to follow discipline. It will give you the energy to focus & make you feel better. Keep doing practice to develop the discipline.

Don’t ignore the power of practice. It is only challenging & scary in the beginning not later.

9) Don’t Wait For Perfect Times:

Perfect time is an overestimated subject. How many times do you wait for a perfect time and it came? There is no perfect time in reality.

The best time to start was yesterday and Now it is this “moment, Don’t wait for the perfect times and start now.

Once you started to follow discipline in life. You would literally realize it was the best decision which you took to improve your life for the better.

10) Take Breaks And Reward Yourself:

Discipline is not about getting hard on yourself rather it is about enjoying the journey and making progress at the same time.

Also takes proper breaks to relax and reward yourself for the fun. Keep good balance about everything.

The true fact is if you put overburden on yourself to follow the discipline, you can’t be able to go with it for more than a few days.

Keep things simple and easy. Also, be careful breaks or fun, Don’t take much time and affect your discipline routine.

11) Be Kind To YourSelf:

Life is full of uncertainties, You don’t know what is going to happen next? There will be many ups and downs that come along the way which can make you sad, angry, frustrated which is going to help you to build discipline.

If you break the discipline cycle, Don’t get angry with yourself and be kind. You have to come back as soon as possible.

The longer you put yourself off from discipline cycle. The harder it will become to come back.

How To Develop Self Discipline:

These were 11 most simple ways, how to develop self discipline. I believe you like this post and these ways would be helpful for you to develop self discipline in life.

Self discipline is important in the life and it’s not as hard to follow as you think. Try these ways how to develop self discipline and see yourself to get better & make progress.

Have you ever try to develop self discipline in life and what were challenges did you face? What is your biggest motivation to develop self discipline?

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Thank You Coronavirus Helpers

45 Days From Today

How Many Seconds In a Day

My Goals Are Beyond Your Understanding

How To Stop Being Lazy

No Motivation To Do Anything