How To Handle Calls In Customer Service

Are you working in a call centre and finding difficult to handle customer’s over the call?

Here, I am telling you 5 simple yet effective ways to handle calls in customer service.

How To Handle Calls In Customer Service


Effective Listening is top on my list. Because if you didn’t listen to the calls effectively. You are not going to know what’s the matter and how it needs to be sorted out?

So, Listen to the customer carefully and you ‘ll get to know the scenario easily.

Listening has great power. When you listen to something effectively it makes you work easy. Confusion spot ran away from the zone when an effective listener comes to the driving seat.

Active listening should be the priority for the people who are working in calling profile.

2. Soft & Calm:

It is highly important to remain soft & calm during the call. It’s common,  you ‘ll be definitely going to face many angry personalities on the calls.

But, Always remember one thing. They don’t know you personally & Customer is not angry with you.

Customer is a bit upset with the product or service which is making the customer an angry ball.

Be careful with the words, Make sure your tone is soft & calm otherwise it will make customer furious and the situation is going to be even worse.

Always put yourself in the same shoe. Imagine! If you were the same customer who is facing the problem. You too get angry on the call. So, It’s normal,

Try to resolve the customer queries in a positive way and make the customer happy.

It really gives pleasure when you give the reason for the smile to other people.


When customer finish his angry shots & fire words. Attend customer with apologizing and make them realize “You were on the customer side”. Give empathy to the customer.

Don’t interrupt customer in between, When a customer is taking the long ride of words. Let’s first customer flush out the angry mode.

When a customer is all done with his role. The next role is yours.

Select & repeat the main points. It ‘ll make them realize you are serious with your work and listening to him attentively.

You ‘d be amazed after seeing the change once you take these steps.

An angry customer is going to choose the calm & soft zone when they talk again.

Soft & calm words are the secrets to unlock any people anger.


Hold option is ok to a bit extent But, when it goes for a long route. It makes a customer angry & irritate. You need to be careful regarding this.


This is one of the best things in the call centre. You have opportunities to make customers happy.

Customer is angry & call out which is picked by you. Customer has told you the problem & difficulties.

Now, It’s your responsibility to understand customer concern and resolve it at a faster rate.

Once you get over with the task. Tell customer with a smile, Your problem is resolved.

Believe me, It ‘ll make customer delightful.

It is also going to give you the pleasure as you resolved customer problem effectively.


Don’t forget to ask about the rating. When you have made the customer happy. Surely It’s going to give you 5 stars.

How To Handle Calls In Customer Service:

These are 5 simple rules to handle calls in customer service easily. What steps do you follow to handle calls in customer service?

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