8 Reasons: Hard Work Beats Talent When Talent Doesn’t Work Hard

hard work beats talent when talent doesn't work hard

Hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard. Everyone living in the world wants to become successful including you.

There are many reasons which play role in success. But, The most important reason of all is hard work. There is no substitute for it, hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard.

Hard Work Beats Talent When Talent Doesn’t Work Hard:

Even if someone is average instead of being smart can also beat a talented person who is not making any efforts. In this post, everything is covered deeply how can a person doing hard work can do better beat a talented person who doesn’t work hard.

hard work beats talent when talent doesn't work hard

Ideas Are Worthless:

Are Ideas really worthless? Don’t you find it bit strange?

Yes! It is totally correct, everyone has dozen of ideas. You may also be having a lot of ideas about the study, business, earn money, creative ways, How to boost your performance, etc

How to live a simple life

Is having idea only sufficient?

No! It doesn’t make any difference when there is no action. If you don’t take any action. What’ll be going to make those ideas into reality? That’s how! Ideas are worthless until any efforts being made.

On the road to success there are no shortcuts.

Exectution Is Everything:

Execution is the most part of your progress. Without execution, you can’t even see any tiny difference. Let say! You are good in studies and wants to score well in exam but on the other hand, you don’t want to study.

Would you think, you‘ll be going to get first-class marks? Probably not!

Let see one more scenario where you are having a top-notch business idea which is going to blow away with amazing result.

The only problem is you don’t want to make any efforts. Now, you can better understand about the result. It will take you nowhere.

Why honesty is important in a friendship

Talent Makes You Lazy:

When you have talent about something, Don’t you take it lightly & not take it seriously? Yes! Obviously, This is also a reason which makes you lazy.

How can you expect big results when you are pushing yourself within your comfort zone? On the other side when you are willing to put hard work into action. There are pretty much chances results would be awesome.

Life Can Only Be Understood Backwards

Hard work beats talent, Talent Has No Guarantee:

Talent doesn’t make you assure about the results which you want to see. Although, Hard work increases the chances to see favorable results.

Hard work beats talent story: Tortoise And Rabbit Race

There is so famous story about the race of tortoise and rabbit, I am sure you must you have read about it. So! no need to explain here.

What actually happens in that story? The rabbit was having the talent to run fast. So, It took the race lightly and feel to sleep in between the way. Poor tortoise consistently made efforts for the race.

That’s how complete the race into win. I believe you got the ideas how talent made you lazy.

Hardwork Keeps You Focused:

Life is like a camera, Hard work also helps you to stay focused when you take consistent efforts. In today’s, modern world you can get distraction from anywhere. While doing hard work it saves you from those distractions to be focused on the goals.

Confidence Booster:

No motivation to do anything? Confidence also plays an important role in progress. When you are confident about something, you are most likely to see positive results.

Consistent efforts and hard work instantly boost your confidence. The more you work on something, the more confident you will be.

True Fulfillment:

You can’t be going to enjoy success much if somehow you get it without putting any effort or only small efforts.

When you put hard work and see the progress, Things will get better, It will give you much pleasure and true fulfilment.

Success Is Beautiful With Hardwork:

Success is of many types, For the students, the success is to get good marks. The fresh graduates see success in a good job. Some want to start their own business and many other different ways of success.

What does success mean to you? It is hardly possible without putting hard work. When you see any kind of success without making any work.

It won’t last longer and won’t give you any fulfilment pleasure. Success is only beautiful with hard work.

Hard Work Beats Talent When Talent Doesn’t Work Hard:

Talent can boost your chances of success pretty fast if mix with hard work. Talent alone can’t get you there without hard work.

What do you think is a more important talent or hard work? In your opinion, can hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard? Have you seen any average person beat any talented person in real life?

What To Read Next?

Thank You Coronavirus Helpers

45 Days From Today

How Many Seconds In a Day

My Goals Are Beyond Your Understanding

How To Stop Being Lazy

No Motivation To Do Anything

What Is Self Discipline And Why Is It Important?

What Does Discipline Mean

Do you know, What is Self Discipline?

Discipline! A simple word that can unlock many secrets in your life. You may have come across with the term “Discipline” several times.

Don’t you remember when your teachers used to say strictly, Maintain discipline! In childhood, How many times your parents said to you- Don’t misbehave! Be disciplined.

How to live a simple life

In reality, what does discipline mean? Today! in this post you will be able to understand true meaning of discipline.

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11 Most Simple Ways To Learn Self Discipline In Life

how to develop self discipline

There could be many reasons for the success of a person’s life. But, there is one common thing which can be found among all the successful people which is other than discipline. They all are disciplined and mastered it in their life.

Are you disciplined in life? If not then it is one of the major reason you are not making any progress in life and also creating a lot of stress for yourself.

Today! I am going to reveal 11 most simple ways how to develop self discipline. You will also be going to learn, how to master self discipline in your life to see the magic.

Before proceeding further, I would like to share a few things with regard to discipline. Yes! that’s correct discipline is not at all easy to implement in life & requires lot of dedication and patience.

But, It is all truly worth and this is how you can go to make a difference from the rest of the people living in mediocrity. If you being honest implement discipline in life. You can make good progress in life and achieve big things.

Don’t you want to see all your dreams and goals become true? How about seeing a better life in the future?

It can become reality & easy when you start discipline in life. This is why it is important to learn how to develop self discipline.

How To Develop Self Discipline:

Everyone not born with this quality rather they develop in life only. So, you don’t need to worry much about it. If they have learned to develop discipline in life. You can too learn it. Are you ready to learn this art?

Here are 11 secrets how to develop self discipline

1) Accept Your Responsibilty:

You need to accept whatever is happening in your life it is solely because of you. If anyhow your life is not on the right track and something is missing or nothing is going right. It’s because of your past actions.

The actions or decision which you have taken in the past is giving back you the result. Are you feeling regret about something in the past?

You don’t need to feel regret as it’s not going to solve your present problems rather it would make circumstances more complicated. Stop now! If you are wasting your valuable time regretting the past.

You are missing the beautiful moments of the present and not looking at positive aspects.

You can’t change your past, The only thing which is in your total control is the present and You can make great out of it. When you make effort in the present not only it would give a better result in the present. It would also help to make your future beautiful.

Forget about the past, Learn from your mistakes, and move ahead whether you want it or not. This is the only way to make better progress.

Awesome future is waiting for you if you too are ready.

2) Find Out Why:

Do you want to know why some people are too disciplined and others are truly bad with it? This is because those people are focused and have clarity about their actions. They have a better idea about their goals and required actions to achieve it.

how to develop self discipline

They don’t feel laziness and even don’t need any kind of external motivation to get disciplined. Their goals made them disciplined. It is as simple.

Now! When you too want to be disciplined and looking for the way about it. First, you need to find your why?

Ask yourself, why do you want to disciplined?

  • Do you want to get good marks in the class?
  • Do you want to earn more money?
  • Are you willing to improve your health?
  • Do you want to get more free time to enjoy or spend with family?
  • Do you want to make progress in life?

When you ask yourself, you will get a better answer.

Now! keep this in your mind why do you want to discipline? It is because you want to achieve that particular goal? It would always inspire you to be disciplined without any external motivational resources.

3) Don’t Break The Chain:

There are times when you feel quite excited and motivated and start thinking, This time I am going to rock. I will implement good habits on daily basis.

  • Wake up early,
  • Exercise
  • Reading books etc

But nothing works or the momentum gets there only for a few days. After some days, you are back to the stage from where you have started.

Do you want to learn the most simple and effective way to build discipline in life?

Take paper and pen write about the things for which you wants to be disciplined. Let say! You want to read a book.

Start reading a book and don’t overburden yourself. If you are done with even only 2-3 page that’s perfectly fine to start with.

Once you have completed reading those 2-3 pages, Put a tick on the page. Don’t forget to do the same tomorrow. No matter, whether you read 2,3, or 5 pages. You only need to do it, Keep things simple.

On the 3rd day do the same. Keep doing this for 10,12,15 days. Now! You will see there are many ticks on the page.

Now! Your mind will start to accept this routine and It is no more burden to you. It will become fun to put a tick mark on a daily basis.

The ticks will keep growing and your mind won’t wish to break this. You need to be careful about it.

Don’t break the chain and keep going. This is how simple you can build a positive discipline about something.

4) Kick Out Disturbance:

It is easy to say rather being following it effectively, You always engaged yourself with any kind of activity which is of no need and takes your lot of time. You need to be aware of it and kick out all the disturbance which gives no value.

Let say! You have set a goal to study for 2 hours, Suddenly you see a notification on your mobile and start checking it and find a message from one of your friend who is saying- “Hi”

You haven’t stop yourself and replied back Hi, how are you doing? This is how the conversation has started and ended up after 30 mins. You have planned to study for 2 hours.

Now! 30 minutes is already gone and It is not about time only. Your energy would also get decreased and you do not feel focused anymore.

You won’t feel like doing your studies. That’s why It is more important to clear from every kind of distraction which can help you to be focused and energetic.

There is nothing wrong to talk with your friend as given example above. You can connect them anytime later in your free time. The most important is when you have set a goal, Let it complete first and be honest to yourself.

5) Stop Complaining:

Have you ever noticed? Complain has become a part of your life. You always try to complaining about everything i.e family, others, situations or even yourself.

How can you focused on good things when you only keep swimming in complaining pool?

Come out from it and look at the positive side. There is always a chance for improvement. If something wrong has happened try to look at another side what you can do to make improvements.

Trust me, You would find a way and realize how easy it was. Stop doing complains and take a responsibly to make improvements.

6) Understand The Reality:

You need to understand this reality. Do you think the people who are much successful and seems disciplined are always disciplined in their life?

No! It s not and it is truly hard to follow discipline without breaking it. There can be hardly a small group of such people.

But, there is a key! Those successful people who break the discipline. They come back to their discipline cycle very quickly instead of taking a lot of time.

How many times it has happened to you when you have tried to make a discipline about something? You start doing it for some days, weeks and somehow you have broken this cycle and later on, never came back to the cycle again.

This was the point where you got missed. Don’t be rude to yourself and put a burden. If you trying to follow the discipline and somehow get distracted you can come back later. There is nothing wrong to join that cycle again.

In fact, You need to get back quickly as soon as possible with your discipline without wasting your time and thinking lot about useless things.

7) Clarity Is The Key:

This is the quite simple to do but you never pay attentions towards it which becomes major obstacle when it comes to follow discipline.

Are you always clear about your daily activities? Probably not! That’s why It is recommended to give at least 10 minutes at night. If you want to make your next 24 hours of the day productive and better.

Isn’t it simple to invest only 10 minutes to make 24 hours fruitful? Now! you must be thinking What can you do is in those 10 minutes?

You can analyze your day. How was your day, look at the mistakes and if there is something wrong, look at the opportunities to improve.

Make a plan for the next day. Write down all the important activities which you want to do for tomorrow and Make a “To-Do list“. It would give you complete clarity for the next day. It will help you a lot to maintain discipline.

Do this everyday and don’t delay on this. Starts from today.

8) Power Of Practice:

You must have heard about this famous phrase: Practices make a person perfect. There is no doubt about it. At the start, everything seems quite difficult or strange.

Once you start doing it on a regular basis. It becomes truly easy. There is no doubt you would feel so challenging when you initially start to maintain discipline in the life.

You will also find yourself in a position where your heart will say. Stop doing this, why are you putting burden on yourself. Let’s have some fun.

Now, what can you do is, Think about the goals for which you have started to follow discipline. It will give you the energy to focus & make you feel better. Keep doing practice to develop the discipline.

Don’t ignore the power of practice. It is only challenging & scary in the beginning not later.

9) Don’t Wait For Perfect Times:

Perfect time is an overestimated subject. How many times do you wait for a perfect time and it came? There is no perfect time in reality.

The best time to start was yesterday and Now it is this “moment, Don’t wait for the perfect times and start now.

Once you started to follow discipline in life. You would literally realize it was the best decision which you took to improve your life for the better.

10) Take Breaks And Reward Yourself:

Discipline is not about getting hard on yourself rather it is about enjoying the journey and making progress at the same time.

Also takes proper breaks to relax and reward yourself for the fun. Keep good balance about everything.

The true fact is if you put overburden on yourself to follow the discipline, you can’t be able to go with it for more than a few days.

Keep things simple and easy. Also, be careful breaks or fun, Don’t take much time and affect your discipline routine.

11) Be Kind To YourSelf:

Life is full of uncertainties, You don’t know what is going to happen next? There will be many ups and downs that come along the way which can make you sad, angry, frustrated which is going to help you to build discipline.

If you break the discipline cycle, Don’t get angry with yourself and be kind. You have to come back as soon as possible.

The longer you put yourself off from discipline cycle. The harder it will become to come back.

How To Develop Self Discipline:

These were 11 most simple ways, how to develop self discipline. I believe you like this post and these ways would be helpful for you to develop self discipline in life.

Self discipline is important in the life and it’s not as hard to follow as you think. Try these ways how to develop self discipline and see yourself to get better & make progress.

Have you ever try to develop self discipline in life and what were challenges did you face? What is your biggest motivation to develop self discipline?

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Thank You Coronavirus Helpers

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How Many Seconds In a Day

My Goals Are Beyond Your Understanding

How To Stop Being Lazy

No Motivation To Do Anything

Life Without Goals Is Like Ship Sailing Without Destination

life without goals is like

It is totally right to be said life without goals is like ship sailing without destination or a race without a finish line. When there is not any destination and you are going nowhere.

How can you make your best move when you don’t know where you do want to reach. It is important to have a goal in life. It is quite difficult to live without proper goals. Unfortunately! There are millions of people living in the world without goals.

life without goals is like

Life without goals become meaning less and going to make your life stuck.

Are you one of the people who doesn’t have clear goals? Don’t worry! In this post, I will help you to find important goals.

Just be with me till the end of the post and I will help you to transform your confusing thought into confidence to become dedicated towards goals and show you the simple way how to achieve them.

Make A Goal:

Goal is highly required when you are willing to make progress and move forward in life. You don’t need to delay this. If you do not have clear goals or even don’t have any kind of goals.

Don’t worry! There is always a place to make new & meaningful goals, It is not late yet when you wake up in the morning your day starts from there. Make some exciting goals that can lead you to a good position in life.

Don’t put too much burden on yourself, If you are not able to find any kind of goals and getting stuck right now.

Relax and give a rest to your mind. Come back later and think again you will definitely find the answer to what your goal should be?

It is not necessary you always target for long term goals only, you can also make some short goals.

How To Set A Goal:

When you have made a clear goal. Now! It is the the time to set it properly. So, you can accomplish your goal in the reality.

Look at the resources which you would require in the journey. Write down those carefully in the paper. Don’t ignore the power of writing. It is truly amazing which can’t be described in short words.

Writing makes your mind focused and put an alarm about it.

Write down your goals and break them down into small pieces. So, It look simple & easy rather being dangerous or scary. Once you break down your goals into small parts, You will find it quite easy to move forward.

Here the most important part comes which is action. Yes! Action is the only thing which can take you ahead otherwise it is nothing. A goal without action is just a wishful thinking. Keep moving ahead and enjoy the journey towards accomplishment of your goals.

Love Your Choice:

You are the one who is solely responsible for your own choices. Don’t depend on anyone else and get discouraged by their negative comments or feedback. If you have made any choices that are worth you need to love and respect them instead of being in a confused or doubtful state.

Believe In Yourself:

Belief has magnificent power, you can do wonders with true belief. Do you believe in others and their potential? Why don’t you believe in yourself?

Every person living in the world is the same as you. They are not any special or coming from another planet. Don’t compare yourself with any other person. It would discouraged you.

Try to know your own potential and look at your best. You are truly special on something which you need to find.

Now! Your mind will start giving you a message. This is right but you don’t know I don’t have anything special with me.

Okay! I accept it and got agree with your statement. If you are not special, Let’s look at real side, No one is special everyone is born with same body.

They didn’t born special rather their hard work made them special. You can read a biography of any successful person in their respective fields. You would come to know they got failed hundreds or thousands of times before getting success.

Success didn’t come to them easily. First They have done a lot of hard work and fight for it. It was their passion that keeps them on track for success.

Do you want to become special ? Believe in yourself and get ready for the hardwork about your goals and dreams.

You are good to get over there where you will find yourself special sooner or later.

Be Consistent:

Consistency is the most powerful weapon which is going to save and take you towards success & achievement. It’s not wrong to be said while chasing your goals you would be going to face many challenges & struggles.

What next?

You don’t need to be scared and put your hand down. If you do this the game would be over without seeing any success and fulfillment of goals.

Here comes the role of consistency, try to be consistent, and put efforts into actions. success is not far from you. It’s almost there to hug you.

Try this “one more time” strategy. It is simple while facing a difficult situation, say to yourself. Let’s try one more time and see how it goes.

life without goals is like

Life Without Goals Is Like Without Destination:

Here, you have read and hopefully understood life without goals is like meaningless. Make some meaningful goals and work for it.

Hopefully you will reach there where do you want to reach.

Do you have goals in life? What do you think how important a goal is in the life?

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Thank You Coronavirus Helpers

45 Days From Today

How Many Seconds In a Day

My Goals Are Beyond Your Understanding

How To Stop Being Lazy

No Motivation To Do Anything