Don’t Say! My Goals Are Beyond Your Understanding, Give This Reply

Do you engage yourself in the arguments and said others, My goals are beyond your understanding?

No! You don’t need to do this. It will not give any value to you or any other person rather it can create more confusion and frustration. Today! I am going to tell you what you need to do? Instead of saying my goals are beyond your understanding.

Life keeps going on forward whether you are happy, sad, bored, or whatever? Life won’t wait for your perfect conditions.

my goals are beyond your understanding

This Life is beautiful and you should enjoy this life. Do you know when life starts getting bored? When you don’t have any goals or dreams. Are there goals beyond understanding? Life gives much excitement when you work for some meaningful goals.

Do you have any goals for this week, month or year? Have you ever previously made the goals on a serious not?

If yes! Then what has happened? Did you able to accomplish it or not?  Have you ever fight with anyone and said, My goals are beyond your understanding to the person who hasn’t understand your goals.

Don’t worry! You don’t need to get engaged in such arguments with anyone. After reading this post. You will find the solution in 6 simple steps. So! that you should remain motivated & energetic.

Believe On Your Goal:

You must believe in your goals if you do not believe in your goals. Who else? Are you inviting these negative thoughts to the party?

  • Is it going to happen or not?
  • Is it good enough to try?
  • What if the goal is not accomplished?

Let be honest, If you are not sure about your own goals. How would you be going to give 100% effort? Do you think it’s easy and can be done while sitting in confusion mode and doing nothing or only give a half try?

First, believe in yourself and your potential. You are awesome! you can do many great things if you try to come out from those negative thoughts mode. Remember about the good things which you have done in the past.

Once you start to believe in yourself, you will definitely be going to believe on your goals too. Magic start happen when you believe in yourself

Be Confident:

Confidence can be a golden asset for you, Don’t take it for the granted. Confidence is the key! Did you remember, How many times have you already read or listen about this?

You’re like- Yeah! I know all this, Well! It is the same chapter that I knew since childhood. When it comes to practice in real, I am not confident. Now! what can I do?

Confidence! Do you truly find it hard to become confident? Today! I will clear all your doubts or confusion. So! you can do the mastery on the confidence.

Here Is Real Reason:

Do you know, why you feel less confident or nervous at times? First understand this, when you start doing something new or the task for which you don’t have much knowledge. You always feel less confident.

That’s quite natural, It is the same with everyone. Confidence is not the thing that people born with. Confidence is a skill which you can master like those people who always looks confident.

What’s the difference between them and you? They have practiced something on a regular basis which has helped them to master the confidence.

TIP: The more you practice on something, The more confident you will be

Were you confident enough at the first time when you was learning to ride- bicycle, motorbike, or car?

Obviously not! You were quite nervous, Now when you have practiced about it. You have become the master. That’s an interesting question to ask, Do you still feel less confident while riding the cycle or motorbike?

No! In fact, you feel pretty easy. You don’t even feel like you‘re doing something. There can be some people who don’t know to ride & definitely would find it pretty difficult.

But, Once they start practicing it, They will also become champion like you in no time.

So, what have you understood? When you feel something difficult, whatever it is –

  • Studies,
  • Work,
  • Activity,
  • Or anything else

Start practicing it. You will see how confidence will bounce from the ground to the top level.

Kick Out Distraction:

Distraction is your biggest enemy which don’t want you to make progress. In today internet age! You will find distraction everywhere.

my goals are beyond your understanding

You have planned to work on something important in the early morning. When You woke up, you saw your friend’s Instagram posts doing a party last night.

You have started to check in the excitement and also feeling jealous at the same time as you have missed the fun. While checking those posts you have received 2 emails and few WhatsApp messages.

Now! It is your duty to check all this and you know very well how to take this responsibility. You’re an expert in this. Isn’t it? Yes! After all, This is your smartphone who can stop you?

Starting from Instagram!  Later shifting to emails & WhatsApp. You have thought all of the important work is almost complete and took a long breath of relief.

In the meantime, Youtube has come to invite you for the party.

  • ABC has uploaded a new video,
  • XYZ has started a live video.

Wow! How can you miss this one? You are not cheap! You have a lot of data on your smartphone. These videos and live sessions have taken almost 45 minutes to 1 hour.

Cycle Keep Goes On:

Now! You have started feeling a bit tired as you have already done a lot of important work in the morning itself. Now! You need a break. What will you do? After these important works, obviously! You are looking for some fun, How can you forget Facebook this time?

You have quickly jumped on Facebook and start looking at the stories, posts, images, videos, etc and these go on, and on, and on.

What is missing now? Is there something really missing? I believe you have covered all the important tasks. Everything is done from Instagram to emails, whatsapp, youtube, facebook, or maybe something more.

The only thing which is missing is the work which you have decided on last night and also woke up early for the same. Forget about complete, it is not even started yet!

Do you think you would be able to complete it now? Think about it, You have invested all of your energy in the above modes, What will help you to get the same energy and focus?

Is it another motivational video? Do you want to watch one more? Sorry! To say, but all these motivational stuff can’t help you other than few minutes or couple of hours.

Have you even realized, This is happening in your life on a daily basis? Where you are missing to work on important things for your progress. Sorry! Don’t get me wrong, I don’t mean all these things are wrong -Instagram, emails, WhatsApp, Youtube, Facebook

These are really wonderful things. It helps you to connect with many other people around the world including your loved ones. Youtube is a great source of getting knowledge and useful information without paying an extra penny.

You Can Do This:

Here is the catch– These can be helpful only if you use them appropriately otherwise it would be a great loss for you and your time.

The only intention is to say- When you are ready for something important. Don’t engage yourself in any kind of distraction. Every other thing can be done later.  Such activities wiped all your energy where you left with nothing and it became pretty hard to do any other important work.

No one is going to throw far these distractions from your life on your behalf except you. Kick out such distractions which are stopping you to make progress. Why do you get to engage with those activities which are not adding any value to your life? Learn to live a simple life.

Do you understand your own goals or these goals beyond understanding? Save your energy, save your time to engage yourself in productive activities to make progress.

Hold The Hand Of Patience:

You want many great things in life, you also work hard to get the same. The only thing you make yourself to forget – “Nothing comes quickly

Why do you forget to stay on the track from where you can get great rewards? When you don’t see any rewards in no time. You start planning to quit and look for another adventure that can give you great rewards at a faster rate. Why? Are goals beyond understanding?

Forget about working for a couple of months or weeks, You start getting bored in even a few days otherwise when you are ready to take proper actions. You have a good chance to improve a lot within 45 Days From Today or even less.

You have to understand, nothing happens so fast. The good thing takes time.

Be Happy:

To be happy is the most important, If you won’t keep yourself happy- How would you going to give your 100% efforts on your goals & dreams.

Yes! I don’t know whether you have understood it or not but yes! This is inter-related, I guess you have experienced this many times.

When you are happy! you are always ready to do the work or even extra work happily. Now! look at another side when the cloud of sadness stuck on your head. The important work which needs to be done on an urgent basis also seems painful.

Isn’t that awesome? Keep yourself happy and the thing will get complete automatically. Here the question comes who is stopping you to be happy?

No one! Except you! The remote control of happiness or sadness is in your hand. You can switch either one. No one can take that remote from you until or unless you want to give it to someone else.

It is all understood, There can be many bad experiences, temporary defeats, losses. You are not alone to feel the same. Almost everyone faces similar experiences. The only thing is to move forward, keep trying your best and enjoy your life.

Life is beautiful, Always be thankful to ALMIGHTY for this wonderful life.

No matter whether you have a lot of money, a big house, an expensive car. If you are not happy all these things don’t mean much. Whatever you are doing, where you are- The key is to be happy, in last all that matters only! How happy you are?

Create Memories:

Do you know, what are the things which make life more beautiful? By looking at sweet memories!

There can be yours few memories of childhood, school or college days or anything in your list which still looks beautiful and quite refreshing when you recall and look back at those memories.

Don’t be like a robot that only focuses on the work which is assigned to it. Take your time once in a while from this busy life race and spend time with your family, friends, or loved ones. Life is Like a Camera, Take Best Shots

You will later enjoy & miss these memories by looking it back.

My Goals Are Beyond Your Understanding:

I hope you have understood why you don’t need to say, My goals are beyond your understanding, and what to do except saying this?

Do you share goals with others? Have you ever come across an argument with any person about dreams or goals?

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How To Find Your Passion When You Are Depressed

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