Once Upon A Child, You Were So Happy! Unlock! How To Be Again

Do you still remember the days once upon a child your life was awesome? So! Now What has changed that you are unable to live the same life in that beautiful way?

In this post, you will find those points which are stopping you to be happy again, and once you understand! You can start again live happily and enjoy your beautiful life as you were living once upon a child.

Once Upon A Child Stories:

Here are some of the lovely stories which you have done Once Upon A Child. See you still remember some of these stories?

Fun Was Only Aim:

In your childhood days, there is only 1 thing where you used to focus on top-most and that was “fun”. You were trying your best to get the fun. The fun is all about finding happiness in small things like – playing with other children, laughing, meetings with friends, etc

once upon a child

What is changed now? Do you still try to get fun once in a while?

Why not? Yes! This totally understood you have some responsibilities now OR you are all caught up in this life race.

But! Still, it is not that difficult to be happy & get connected once in a while. In fact! It is pretty easy. Okay! Tell How difficult is it to connect with your friend once in a while if not regular?

Do you find it impossible to connect with your loved ones? Let say! you want to play your favorite sports – Cricket, football, etc. Is it really impossible to play on a weekly, fortnight(15 days), or on a monthly basis?

Don’t Be A Robot:

Ask yourself, you will get the answer! Why have you become a robot? Don’t say! You don’t know about me & I can’t take breaks for fun My goals are beyond your understanding. Yes! I agree you definitely have some good goals to achieve. The point is to take some breaks won’t going to affect you.

You don’t take breaks and There is no fun and it also makes you frustrated quite often. Try to get some fun of your choice whether- playing sports, meet with a friend, connect with your loved ones etc

Trust me on this! It will make you feel good and will help you to release stress from your mind.

Enjoyment In Small Things:

There was no high demand as you were an expert in getting happiness at small things. As the time has passed, Now! Your expectations have reached the top of the sky. How many times you have listened to this? “High expectations lead to frustration”

Take proper actions and don’t expect high. Still, you don’t follow this rule.

Do you remember! You used to be so happy when you got 1 or 2 buck or few bucks OR some special dishes to eat. You used to be so happy as there is no other person present around the world who is happier than you?

once upon a child

Where is that happiness gone? At present, Why don’t you try to find happiness in small things? Because! You have started doing comparison with others. Comparision is the biggest reason for killing of the happiness.

In childhood days, you were not doing comparisons with others. So! You were in peace and also happy. The secret to happiness is – Don’t compare yourself with others, Don’t expect high, and try to find happiness in small things.

Take Your Bonus:

Believe me! If you make this small change, your happiness mode would become active and you will start finding happiness from everywhere. What else?

Here is the BONUS gift- You will see that your work potential has also improved a lot as a result of being happy and your mood is refreshed, Now! you have started finding positivity and there is no frustration anymore.

Live In The Present:

You always keep jumping from past to future, and then back to past from the future. In this game, “present” keeps on missing.

Sometimes you get drown in the past regret for the mistakes & decision which you have taken at those times?

Okay! Tell me, Is there any way to change those decisions, mistakes, or experiences? You don’t have any time machine. Right? So, what’s the point of think or getting upset about those memories?

This has happened and there is no chance you can change it. Move your focus on good things! Let’s look at another side, You have become the same person which you are today from all those decisions and mistakes.

You Need To Think Again:

Okay! Think, Could you have get such knowledge, intellectual and maturity without those experiences which you are having today?

Probably not! Now, You can use this intellectual, maturity and experience for future goals and to find the solutions. It will boost up your performance. That’s a good news!

At other times, you are also kicking yourself in the pool of future anxiety, fantasy. What will happen ? If not then what? Is it possible? Would I be able to ?

You have often come across these phrases pretty much which keep running on your mind like background noise.

These noises come only when you try to swim in the future pool of worry. Is it necessary to do overthinking on a regular basis? Don’t you know overthinking kills your happiness?

Now! Tell me who is responsible to rob your happiness? Obviously! You are the only person who is kicking yourself in the overthinking zone oftentimes.

Do you remember once upon a child when you were having a lot of worries? Would I be able to play tomorrow, next week, or next month? Obviously not! You were not doing overthinking and building long plans. You were only focused on the present.

Now! You have changed and started playing another game. In this game from past to future, The present get missed where you are actually living and where you need to be focused most.

Try to practice living in the present moments. If you become honest with your present and give your best. Obviously! future results would be wonderful.

TIP– The key of future is behind your present actions!

Free From Worries:

You have trapped yourself in a worries at a great scale without even realizing it. I will show you bit of pieces from the picture.

Worry No.1

You are active on social media—Facebook, Instagram, etc Your friend having more followers than you. Although you are the champion and not your friend. He is a simple guy. How can you tolerate, a friend is having more followers than you?.

Now! It has become your duty to be more active and post or upload images on a regular basis.

Worry No.2

Feeling demotivated and lying on the bed. Want to get some motivation? You have across some videos of motivational gurus and started watching them.

Sorry to say! but these videos won’t help you much. Don’t try to find motivation from outside sources! It is just a temporary thing which becomes invisible within some hours or even within a couple of minutes.

The real motivation comes from within yourself only.

After watching these videos, you have become more panicked and upset and felt like a loser. As you saw the person who is more successful than you is talking in the video.

No! You are not looser, The only difference is of the time. You have also the same potential even more than others. That’s why! Don’t compare yourself with anyone else, it takes all your motivation and energy and throws you into the demotivating zone.

Worry No.3

So! many notifications are pending on your smartphone (Which is not smart in reality and makes you dumb) on WhatsApp, Facebook, and Instagram. Also, There are many new stories to check. You also need to reply to a person who has commented on your post last day or 2,3 days ago and your reply is still incomplete.

There are hundreds of emails pending, How can you stop yourself without checking. After all, this is your smartphone ( Which is not smart)

Huh! This is so many work you do on daily basis. You are pretty much hardworking.

These are only a few examples and it goes on and on and on. You have hit yourself in countless worries which are not even worth – Internet, social media, other distractions.

In childhood days, You were all away from these stupid worries. Do you want to kick away all these types of irrelevant worries and want to be relax and energetic?

Alright! That’s good news. The most interesting thing is to know that this doesn’t even require much effort. It is the most simple thing which can be done easily, You can make a great change within 45 Days From Today or even less.

Keep things too simple and reduce all those distractions which do not add any value in your life and stopping you from being happy and to make the progress.

Do you truly need Facebook on a regular basis? If not limit the usage or deactivate it and take a break. Why are you active on Instagram? For looking at other people pictures who are doing party or fun and making you feel jealous?

I think you don’t need Instagram! But, still Instagram notifications disturbed you and that’s how your landing happens to Instagram. Once you landed you will definitely spend a couple of minutes over there.

If you truly need Instagram, Then stop using it too much. Limit your usage. If that is not required then uninstall the app.

This will not delete your account, It is still there. Try and check this for few days. If you still find the need to check Instagram and can’t tolerate without it. You can download it again. It’s all free.

You need whatsapp ? Okay! Keep it. I think this is the most convienet platform  among all the social media channels. Here you don’t have to see all the stupid posts & images.

Here the interaction is direct with the user. The only catch on WhatsApp is to check- If you are being added in any stupid group which is passing negative information or posts. You can leave it.

Are you added on many telegrams channels which is on trend these days? Check yourself.

The only intention to say all this is to pass a simple message when you free yourself from unwanted distractions & unproductive things.

You will find out, There is plenty of time available in your day. You can use this time effectively for good things, to reach your goals. It will also make you relax and comfortable.

Expectations Was Not High:

I have covered this a bit few paragraphs above. But, I am talking about it again because that’s important. There is no logic for having any kind of expectation without taking proper actions whether it is small or big doesn’t matter.

You are having high expectations even before taking any kind of action and later from start to end all the time high expectation only. It also makes you feel bad when you don’t get the high expected result.

This was not the case in your childhood days. Try to remember few moments of childhood days and see is there any high expectation present?

Probably not! You won’t find any. This habit has developed when you jump in the life race by comparing with others.

Focus on your actions only and try your best. Don’t expect anything high. The result is always good with proper actions.

Far Away From Hate:

This is one of the most beautiful habits of children which makes them more lovely. They are far away from any kind of hate. They only know to spread love and only love.

Try to remember, Do you ever try to make any difference in childhood days on the basis of politics, religion or physical?

Now! The things has changed, You think you still spread love but never miss any chance to spread hate too on others.

There are millions and billions of people on the planet. It is not possible that everyone with agrees with your opinion. That’s quite natural. People can have different opinions about particular thing.

If someone does not agree with your opinion, You don’t need to hate them. Always try to spread love. Love is the strongest emotion among all other emotions. You can use it for your own good.

once upon a child

Do you know who will get the best benefit when you try to spread love? Obviously! It’s you only, when you spread love to others, it will come back to you. This will make you happy & energetic too.

When you try to spread hate, The result is also similar. Who will get more loss? Obviously! you, It will hit you at the same speed and make you feel angry & frustrated.  You will be left with no energy and motivation to do any other good things.

TIP– The key to getting love from the people is to spread love. It will also make the environment and society full of love and respect.

Strong Wish To Fulfil Desire:

There was a strong desire to get anything of your choice at childhood age. Remember those days when you tried to fight with your parents for toys & gifts and got successful at the last because of only one powerful weapon “Cry”.

Now! Your wish or desire energy level is not the same and has reduced a lot. Although, Now! you have more energy, intelligence, intellect, and maturity as compared to Once upon a child.

The main reason for this is simple if you try to give attention you will understand.

At childhood age! Once upon a child, You were focused was high and the same. Let, say once a child has demanded a helicopter toy. Now! Once child wants helicopter toy means only helicopter toy and not any alternative- flowers, chocolates etc

once upon a child

Now! Look at yourself, If you wish for achieving any goal. You start looking for shortcuts or any other alternative way without even taking proper actions.  

The other main reason is that in childhood days, you were not having any kind of distraction that can move your focused toward other side.

Now! the thing is different you have created your own distractions (Internet, Social Media, Smartphones, Tv etc) from all different sides which wipes away all your energy and makes you un-focused.

The key is simple to bring back the same level of energy & desire. Don’t get afraid by thinking about the past results. Start the beginning after the end of those experiences. Be focused, keep things easy & simple, and remove all the distractions.

Do not get engage with any unwanted activity.

Once Upon A Child:

These were some of the main reasons which rob your happiness & pleasure which you used to get Once Upon A Child. I hope you like this post and it would be helpful for you to bring back those memories which were present Once Upon A Child and you will try to live happily like those days as you were living once upon a child.

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